Washable Polypropylene non-slip kitchen rug

Washable Polypropylene non-slip kitchen rug Front fiber: Polypropylene(PP) Structure:TPR backing+ 100gsm PP base fabric +front fiber Pile height:0.6-4cm Density of front fiber:450-2000gsm Backing: TPR Pattern: plain or with woven design TPR density:650-1000gsm Edge:overlocking,tape binding Size:50X80cm,60X90cm,50X120cm,50X180cm,80X120cm,90X150cm Machine washable,wash with cold water,do not bleach,no not iron,do not dry-clean The surface of the kitchen mat is 100% polypropylene, and the tight edging makes this carpet look more elegant without snagging, convenient storage and beautiful kitchen decoration.

Products Details

As a rug used in high traffic cooking areas, large size kitchen rug is a great way to keep your kitchen clean and tidy. Great water absorption & stain-resistant properties protect the floor from oil, dampness, sauces or food particles.Rug and mat suitable for kitchen.The super non-slip TPR backing provides safety for your family, It's light and the grip effect can keep the kitchen mat fixed and non-slip during use. Kitchen floor mat will not decompose and compress over time.You can use it with confidence to ensure the safety of your family.Complete production process: fabric, cutting, sewing, inspect, packaging,warehouse.For the production of floor mats, we have rich experience. We focus on the high quality standards of our products and provide full one-on-one service.


Rectangle,runner etc


Plain pattern,plain with woven design


kitchen floor,door mat etc.


Friendly,Ultra soft,Wearable,Antibacterial,Non-slip backing,Super absorbent,Machine washable

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